Friday 4 October 2013


 Mia Bennett has the kind of life every girl dreams of. She is a beautiful young woman and always has been. She has a great job. A fantastic chic luxury apartment in an exclusive area. Glamorous designer clothes, expensive jewellery, and a different pair of shoes for every day of the year. Her days are a whirlwind of shopping trips, long lunches in trendy restaurants and glitzy celebrity parties. Mia's life seems to be charmed, but lurking in the shadows are hideous and depraved secrets for Mia is not what she pretends to be. For behind the beauty lurks a vicious beast with a warped and dangerously unhinged mind. Underneath the glittering facade is a dark and gruesome shadowy world of horror, murder, macabre urges and a trail of innocent victims. Mia's dark and deeply disturbing world is cleverly hidden from all who know her...
 Until freelance journalist Julien Baker starts asking questions, and he is not satisfied with the answers he finds. He is getting to close for comfort and Mia's secret is in danger of being exposed. Is Julien going to shine a light on the dark shadows in Mia's past or will Mia get to him first...

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